Smoke Regularly? Join a Paid Research Study!
Researchers at Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine want to learn more about how tobacco use affects the brain and decision-making.
Conducted in Winston-Salem, NC
Smoke Cigarettes Regularly
Compensation Provided
18 - 75 Years Old
Fast Facts
Study Background
Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine are conducting several research studies that examine how smoking use affects the brain and decision making.

Our researchers are looking to partner with cigarette users, ages 18-75. Some of our studies may help participants quit smoking.

These studies involve computer tasks and questionnaires, and some may involve brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Further tobacco use research and join one of our compensated studies today!
IRB78627, IRB81012, IRB76035
Study Background
Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine are conducting several research studies that examine how smoking use affects the brain and decision making.

Our researchers are looking to partner with cigarette users, ages 18-75. Some of our studies may help participants quit smoking.

These studies involve computer tasks and questionnaires, and some may involve brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Further tobacco use research and join one of our compensated studies today!
IRB78627, IRB81012, IRB76035