Families Invited to Participate in Paid Research Study on the Teen Brain and Anxiety
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh want to learn more about how brain development during puberty contributes to anxiety. Further research today by participating in a compensated research study!
Located at
University of Pittsburgh
Compensation Provided
Girls Age 10-12 OR Boys Age 11-13
Child With Or Without Symptoms of Anxiety
Fast Facts
Study Background
Help researchers learn more about how brain development during puberty contributes to anxiety. Join our study!
The University of Pittsburgh is conducting a research study designed to learn more about how puberty and hormones affect brain development and contributes to sex differences in anxiety disorders. Researchers hope to also understand how brain development impacts levels of anxiety symptoms in children.

Our researchers are looking to partner with families who have children who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety as well as families who have children who are not experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

We hope this study will improve our understanding of why anxiety symptoms rise dramatically for girls compared to boys during early adolescence and whether the effects of hormones and changes in brain function might contribute to these differences.

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