Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Invited to Participate in Paid Research Study
Researchers at California State University, San Bernardino want to learn more about the connection between gut health and brain health in people living with Parkinson's. Further research today by participating in a compensated research study!
Located in San Bernardino, CA
Compensation Provided
55 to 85 Years Old
Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
Fast Facts
Have 8th Grade Education or Above
Study Background
Help researchers learn more about gut-brain health in individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Join our study!
California State University, San Bernardino is conducting a research study designed to learn more about the influence of gut health on memory and thinking abilities in people living with Parkinson's disease. Through this study, researchers want to examine how Parkinson's affects learning, concentration, and decision-making.

Our researchers are looking to partner with adults between the ages of 55 and 85 who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease for this study.

Further research on Parkinson's disease and join our paid study today!

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