Families Becoming Healthy Together
The Healthy Eating and Activity lab at the University of Tennessee is conducting a 5-year research study funded by the NIH (National Institute of Health), where families can enroll in a family-based childhood overweight and obesity treatment program that has goals for healthy eating and physical activity.
Conducted in East Tennessee & Memphis Area
Compensation Provided
Child 8-12 Years Old & Adult Caregiver
Fast Facts
Child & Adult Both Have Overweight or Obesity
Study Background
Researchers at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville are studying a family-based childhood overweight and obesity program that focuses on healthy living for both the child and adult caregiver.

This program uses an eating plan called the Traffic Light Diet. The program also has a goal of at least 60 minutes per day of physical activity for children and at least 30 minutes per day of physical activity for adults. You and your child will be asked to keep track of your eating and activity during the 18 months of the program.

Possible benefits for you and your child include weight loss, consuming a healthy diet, and being more physically active. Your participation will help us learn more about family-based childhood overweight and obesity treatment that will benefit others in the future. Join our study today!
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