Research for Young Moms
Researchers at Rowan University want to learn more about what life is like as a young mom. Join our paid study today!
Research for Young Moms
Researchers at Rowan University want to learn more about what life is like as a young mom. Join our paid study today!
Conducted in
Person or Online
Compensation Provided
at least 1 biological child living with you
Moms aged 15-19
Fast Facts
About Our Research Study
Tell us about your life and relationships!
Our research team is conducting focus groups with moms ages 15-19 to identify ways we can recruit and engage young moms in research. Specifically, we are developing a program to help young moms have healthy dating relationships, and first, we want to figure out how to make it easier for young moms to participate in this kind of program.

Your participation could help us better serve young mothers like you. Join today!
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