Join the RESPONSES Research Study!
Researchers at LSU's Pennington Biomedical Research Center are examining the mental and physical reactions associated with body weight and not having enough healthy and safe food to eat.
Conducted in Baton Rouge, LA
BMI of 30-50 kg/m2
18 - 65 Years Old
Fast Facts
African American Women
Study Background
Food insecurity, or the lack of sufficient food in both quality and quantity for an active and healthy life, is a pressing health issue in the United States, with over 18% of adults being food insecure. Food insecurity is a risk factor for multiple chronic diseases, including obesity.
Importantly, both food insecurity and obesity are more prevalent in African American women compared to other groups. Further, food insecurity is considered a ‘cyclic phenomenon’ with episodes of food adequacy (enough food to eat) and food shortage (not enough food to eat).

More research is needed to better understand why food insecurity is linked to obesity, including acknowledging the episodic nature of food insecurity as a stressor and identifying underlying mechanisms. We want to examine the potential role of mental and physical reactions in the relationship between food insecurity and obesity. In this study, we will focus on African American women.

Your participation in this study may help improve researchers' understanding of health outcomes related to food insecurity. You can be compensated up to $300 and will also receive a FitBit Sense watch to keep upon successful completion of the study. Contribute to research and join the RESPONSES study today!
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