Cognition & Motivation
Research Study
Join a University of Minnesota research study examining how specialized computer apps affect cognition and motivation in individuals with psychosis spectrum disorders. Compensation provided!
Conducted Remotely
Compensation Provided
15 - 40 Years Old
Diagnosed with psychosis spectrum Disorder
Fast Facts
Have smartphone & computer or tablet
Study Background
Individuals diagnosed with a psychosis spectrum disorder (including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform, psychosis NOS, depression with psychotic features, or bipolar disorder with psychotic features) in the last five years are invited to participate in a remote research study.

This study will evaluate whether combining a computerized cognitive training program (BrainHQ) and a motivational intervention delivered on a smartphone-based app (PRIME) can help individuals in early psychosis treatment programs increase motivation, improve quality of life, and learn new thinking skills. This research may help us to develop better approaches to help people with psychosis in the future.

Eligible participants will be compensated!
Additional Information