Knee Osteoarthritis
Research Study
The University of Maryland School of Medicine is conducting a study to help reduce knee pain so people with knee osteoarthritis (OA) can enjoy their daily life more on a day-to-day basis.
Visits Conducted in Baltimore, MD
Compensation Provided
40 Years and Older
Diagnosed with Knee Osteoarthritis
Fast Facts
Feeling blue, sad, or unhappy
Study Background
We know that knee OA is painful and reduces quality of life. Our research team is dedicated to helping patients lead more comfortable and fulfilling lives by combining walking exercises and medication.

By participating in this study, you will help researchers learn whether exercise combined with a commonly used medication decreases pain and improves physical function and sense of well-being. The results will be used to create better programs for improving people’s pain, physical function, and mood.

Check eligibility today! Compensation provided.
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