Have You Experienced a Non-Work Related Illness or Injury? Join Our Study!
Do you have an illness or injury that limits your ability to work? Researchers at the University of Kentucky invite you to participate in a research study focused on individualized return-to-work early intervention services.
Compensation provided
Non-work related injury or illness
Fast Facts
Worked in the last 12 months
Study Background
Do you have an injury or illness that did not happen at work? Have you worked within the last 12 months?

Individuals who want to stay at work, return to work or get a new job are invited to participate in a University of Kentucky research study focused on individualized return-to-work early intervention services.

Join our paid study today!

Study Background
Do you have an injury or illness that did not happen at work? Have you worked within the last 12 months?

Individuals who want to stay at work, return to work or get a new job are invited to participate in a University of Kentucky research study focused on individualized return-to-work early intervention services.

Join our paid study today!
Additional Information