Join a Research Sleep Study
Researchers at BIDMC want to learn more about how sleep and sleep loss affect emotional processing through a paid research study. Both good sleepers and poor sleepers may qualify to participate.
Join a Research Sleep Study
Researchers at BIDMC want to learn more about how sleep and sleep loss affect emotional processing through a paid research study. Both good sleepers and poor sleepers may qualify to participate.
Conducted in Boston, MA
Compensation Provided
18-40 Years Old
Fast Facts
Good AND Poor Sleepers
Study Background
Healthy functioning requires the ability to manage our emotions. Growing evidence suggests that sleep plays a crucial role in emotional regulation. Also, chronically disrupted sleep is a common feature (and may be an underlying cause) of several psychiatric disorders that feature impaired emotional regulation, such as depression.

This study will investigate how insomnia and sleep loss impact the brain and its ability to process emotions. The information gleaned from this study will help researchers better understand the degree to which different forms of disrupted sleep account for mood and emotion dysregulation in various psychiatric conditions.

Your participation in this study may help researchers develop future treatments for patients struggling with sleep and psychiatric disorders. Further research and join our paid study today!
Study Background
Healthy functioning requires the ability to manage our emotions. Growing evidence suggests that sleep plays a crucial role in emotional regulation. Also, chronically disrupted sleep is a common feature (and may be an underlying cause) of several psychiatric disorders that feature impaired emotional regulation, such as depression.

This study will investigate how insomnia and sleep loss impact the brain and its ability to process emotions. The information gleaned from this study will help researchers better understand the degree to which different forms of disrupted sleep account for mood and emotion dysregulation in various psychiatric conditions.

Your participation in this study may help researchers develop future treatments for patients struggling with sleep and psychiatric disorders. Further research and join our paid study today!
Additional Information