Bet on Yourself and Quit Smoking with QuitBet
QuitBet is a 28-day game by WayBetter that is played on a mobile app. QuitBet motivates people to quit smoking using financial rewards and peer support. Help test the app by joining our study today!
Live anywhere in USA
Bet $30 and win back more if you quit
21+ Years Old
Currently smoke 5+ cigarettes per day
Fast Facts
Android or Apple smartphone
  1. Download the app on your Apple or Android device
  2. Join a 4-week QuitBet study by placing your $30 bet with PayPal or a credit card. You get this back plus more if you quit smoking!
  3. Test your breath once a day to prove you've quit smoking. We'll ship you a breath testing device ($65 value). It's included with your $30 bet at no extra cost and it's yours to keep!
  4. Complete five 15-minute surveys. Get a $10 Amazon gift card for each survey you complete (total of $50)! The first survey is before the game starts, right after you place the bet.
  5. Get entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card if you complete all 5 surveys.
How It Works
Study Background
WayBetter's newest app, QuitBet, aims to help people quit smoking with a combination of inspiration, motivation, friendly competition, and above all, fun.

To play QuitBet, you'll place a $30 "bet" on yourself to stop smoking for 4 weeks. If you win by successfully quitting, you'll get that money back, plus some extra.

The purpose of this study is to compare two different versions of QuitBet and gather information about people’s smoking behavior and experiences while playing QuitBet. This information will be used to improve QuitBet.

The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health and is being conducted by WayBetter in collaboration with academic researchers. Your participation could improve treatment approaches to help people quit smoking. Further research and join our study today!
Study Background
WayBetter's newest app, QuitBet, aims to help people quit smoking with a combination of inspiration, motivation, friendly competition, and above all, fun.

To play QuitBet, you'll place a $30 "bet" on yourself to stop smoking for 4 weeks. If you win by successfully quitting, you'll get that money back, plus some extra.

The purpose of this study is to compare two different versions of QuitBet and gather information about people’s smoking behavior and experiences while playing QuitBet. This information will be used to improve QuitBet.

The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health and is being conducted by WayBetter in collaboration with academic researchers. Your participation could improve treatment approaches to help people quit smoking. Further research and join our study today!
Additional Information