Paid Cigarette Smoking Research Study
Project Quit is a research team at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) who are dedicated to improving treatment for cigarette smokers who want to quit the habit. Join our study today!
Paid Cigarette Smoking Research Study
Project Quit is a research team at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) who are dedicated to improving treatment for cigarette smokers who want to quit the habit. Join our study today!
Paid Cigarette Smoking Research Study
Project Quit is a research team at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) who are dedicated to improving treatment for cigarette smokers who want to quit the habit. Join our study today!
Conducted in Charleston, SC
Florence, SC
Pickens, SC
Compensation up to $1050
18 - 40 Years Old
Smokes cigarettes daily AND uses cannabis
Fast Facts
No current cessation treatment
Study Background
Quitting cigarettes is easier with support. Our research study is offering compensation, medication, and counseling to eligible participants.

Individuals who smoke cigarettes often also use cannabis, and the rates of people who use both appear to be rising. However, little is known about how these substances interact when someone is trying to quit smoking cigarettes.

The goal of this study is to learn how cannabis use interacts with cigarette smoking cessation treatments. Participants will take a medication called varenicline over a 6-month period while attempting to quit smoking cigarettes.

Participation in this study could improve treatment approaches to help people quit smoking. Further research and join our study today!
Study Background
Quitting cigarettes is easier with support. Our research study is offering compensation, medication, and counseling to eligible participants.

Individuals who smoke cigarettes often also use cannabis, and the rates of people who use both appear to be rising. However, little is known about how cannabis use might affect someone's efforts to quit smoking.

The goal of this study is to learn how cannabis use interacts with tobacco cessation treatments. Participants will take a medication called varenicline over a 6-month period while attempting to quit smoking cigarettes.

Participation in this study could improve treatment approaches to help people quit smoking. Further research and join our study today!
Additional Information