Join our EAT2 Research Study!
Researchers at LSU's Pennington Biomedical Research Center are observing the changes that occur in fat tissue as a result of weight gain and loss and its effects on one's health.
Conducted On-Site in Baton Rouge, LA
BMI of 23-35 kg/m2
18 - 42
Years Old
Fast Facts
Study Background
It is common for people to undergo periods of weight cycling (gain and loss); however, the effects of gaining a few pounds, even if the weight is shed thereafter, on the body and health are not known. The ability to expand and change the fat tissue during weight cycling is important for health.

This study will look at the changes that occur in the fat tissue as a result of short-term weight gain and weight loss and the effects on health outcomes.

Once enrolled, participants will be randomly assigned to either a control (weight stable) or overfeeding group. Those in the overfeeding group will partake in an 8-week overfeeding (weight gain) intervention, followed by a weight loss component. Individuals in the control group will remain weight stable during the study (This study requires 2 overnight stays in the Pennington Biomedical Inpatient Unit).

Your participation in this study may help improve researchers' understanding of how weight cycling can impact your fat tissue and health. You can be compensated up to $1255. Contribute to research, and join our EAT2 study today!
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