Drink Regularly & Want to Improve Brain Function? Join our Study!
Researchers at Yale are conducting a research study aimed at investigating a combination of treatments - medication, cognitive training, and counseling - for alcohol use disorder.
Conducted in West Haven, CT
Compensation Provided
1+ Heavy Drinking Day in Past Month
18-80 Years Old
Fast Facts
Current alcohol use disorder by having some alcohol-related problems (e.g., too much drinking, inability to stop drinking, alcohol craving, social or daily problems due to drinking)
About Our Research Study
Recovering from alcohol dependence often requires learning new skills, such as how to cope with cravings, how to better tolerate distress, and how to find more constructive problem-solving strategies. Training your brain with computer games could help you learn these skills more effectively.

This study will examine what happens when we combine cognitive training with donepezil, which can work as a cognitive enhancer. We hope that this pairing will help people drink less alcohol while also improving brain function.

Join our study today to help researchers learn more about the effectiveness of this treatment combination! Compensation provided.

HSS# GY0010
Additional Information