LGBTQ2S+ Smoking
Cessation Research Study
Researchers at the University of Oklahoma are partnering with individuals who want to quit smoking in order to evaluate a community-centered treatment program.
LGBTQ2S+ Smoking
Cessation Research Study
Researchers at the University of Oklahoma are partnering with individuals who want to quit smoking in order to evaluate a community-centered treatment program.
Research Conducted in Oklahoma & Remotely
Compensation Provided
Fast Facts
want to quit smoking
Study Background
Empowering our community.
Reclaiming our health.

LGBTQ2S+ people smoke for a variety of reasons, including coping with discrimination and targeted tobacco marketing. This study will investigate a new approach to helping members of this community quit smoking.

Led by LGBTQ2S+ researchers, this project is guided by an empowerment approach: the idea that when people work together towards positive change for their communities, they can also strengthen their own personal skills and motivation to make positive changes for themselves. This approach has been used for other health interventions, like HIV prevention, and we aim to use it to support successful smoking cessation.

Our research will partner with both individuals and LGBTQ2S+ serving organizations in Oklahoma. Join us and help further research on smoking cessation treatment through our compensated study!

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.
Study Background
Empowering our community.
Reclaiming our health.

LGBTQ2S+ people smoke for a variety of reasons, including coping with discrimination and targeted tobacco marketing. This study will investigate a new approach to helping members of this community quit smoking.

Led by LGBTQ2S+ researchers, this project is guided by an empowerment approach: the idea that when people work together towards positive change for their communities, they can also strengthen their own personal skills and motivation to make positive changes for themselves. This approach has been used for other health interventions, like HIV prevention, and we aim to use it to support successful smoking cessation.

Our research will partner with both individuals and LGBTQ2S+ serving organizations in Oklahoma. Join us and help further research on smoking cessation treatment through our compensated study!
Additional Information