Brain Activation & Satiety in Children 2 Study
Researchers are partnering with overweight children ages 10-12 and parents to evaluate the effects of a weight management drug combined with family-based behavioral treatment for weight management in kids.
Conducted in Seattle, Federal Way, & Everett, WA
Compensation Provided
Parent/Guardian with High Weight Status
Child Age 10-12 with High Weight Status
Fast Facts
Study Background
Looking for help to better manage your and your child's weight? Researchers at Seattle Children's Hospital want to find ways to help overweight kids, 10-12, and their parents reach and maintain a healthy weight.

During this 24-week treatment program, you and your child will attend free family-based weight management classes, and your child will be randomized to receive either a study medicine that would help them with weight control OR a placebo medicine.

Join our compensated study and further research on adolescent weight management today!
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