This is a research study supervised by Kristen G. Anderson, Ph.D. at Reed College. We are examining how social context and personal characteristics can influence behavior in social situations, including the use of alcohol. In this screening survey, you will be asked to provide information on your demographics (e.g., gender, race, age) and report your history of alcohol use to determine if you are eligible to participate in the full study described below.

First, you will be asked to complete a set of screening items to see if you are eligible for this study (less than 5 minutes). Do not participate if you are in recovery or treatment for an alcohol use disorder as you will be exposed to simulated alcohol use situations. You will be required to complete information on your gender identity; if you do not feel comfortable providing this information please do not continue.

If selected, we will contact you via e-mail, phone, or text message to schedule a session. In this session, you will be either asked to: 1. Complete a survey and listen and respond to audio-recorded social situations (approximately 40 minutes) -OR- 2. respond to a set of self-report questions, listen and respond to audio-recorded social situations, and complete an interview by a research assistantabout what you heard over ZOOM (approximately 1 hour).

If selected, you will be eligible to earn a $15.00 Amazon gift card for option 1 (online survey and listening session) or a $25.00 Amazon gift card for option 2 (online survey, listening session, and interview). If eligible and you decide to participate in one of these sessions, you will be provided with an additional consent document with detailed information on your assigned session.

If you are under the age of 21 years, the use of alcohol is illegal in the United States. We will be storing identifiable information (first name, last name, and contact information) with your demographic information and status as a current drinker. Identifying information will be kept separately from any other information we may collect from you if you are enrolled in this study.

Answers to screening information will be collected and stored on a secured site hosted by BuildClinical. Your IP address will not be stored with your survey responses. Reports of this study will not include individual data in a form by which you could be identified. While there is the risk that the data you provide may be accessible by others outside of the research team, to our knowledge, Dr. Anderson’s lab has not experienced a data breach in over 20 years of collecting similar data.

If successful, this study may contribute to our understanding of how personal characteristics can influence decision-making in social situations. Your participation in this screening is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to answer individual questions or discontinue participation in this study at any time after the screening. If you have any questions about this research, please contact for information about the procedures of this study.

Concerns about any aspect of this study may be referred to the Chair of the Reed College Institutional Review Board, Professor Kevin Holmes,, 503-517-7402. In addition to asserting your consent below, you will be asked to verbally consent to recording during the online study session if selected. Please print a copy of this consent document for your records.
I assert that I am over 18 years of age and meet the criteria listed above for inclusion in this study.