PLEASE NOTE: This form should be filled out by teens who are between 13 and 16 years old. If you are a parent, please use the parent's form (

Welcome to the Projects CREST/RISE screening survey!
This Screening Survey should be completed by a 13-16 year-old adolescent from PA, NJ, or DE

The purpose of this 5-minute screening survey is to find out whether you may be eligible to participate in Project RISE or Project CREST, paid research studies being conducted at Temple University about adolescent development and moods. You can earn up to $750 in Project RISE and up to $1,075 in Project CREST for full participation.

If you complete this survey and are eligible, a Project RISE or Project CREST staff member will contact you, describe the project to you and your parent, and invite you to participate further. Teens who complete ALL of this screening survey will be entered into a raffle for $50 prizes.

This survey will ask you about your interests and attitudes, your contact information (so that we can contact you if you are potentially eligible for Project RISE or Project CREST or if you win a prize in the raffle), and for some basic demographic information about yourself (e.g., your age, sex, race, ethnicity).

The information you provide in this survey will be kept confidential and private. We will code your answers with a number and remove all identifying information from all of your data. Your answers will be kept in password-protected, HIPAA-secure databases in our electronically alarmed project lab accessible only by Project RISE and Project CREST staff.

Your participation in this screening survey is entirely voluntary, and refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to you. You may discontinue your participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits.

However, you only will be entered into the raffle for $50 prizes if you complete ALL of the survey.
There are no physical risks to completing this survey. If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, or think the research has hurt you, talk to the research team at or call (215) 204-2115.

This research is being overseen by an Institutional Review Board (“IRB”). An IRB is a group of people who perform independent review of research studies. You may talk to them at (215) 707-3390 or if your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team. By clicking “Agree” below, you are indicating that you have read this assent form and you agree to complete this 5-minute survey. If you do not wish to complete this survey, please click “Do Not Agree”

BuildClinical is a marketing company that is helping the recruitment efforts for this research. The information you provide on this form will be maintained by BuildClinical and sent to the research team. BuildClinical will also maintain your data for 10 years and provide it to additional clients. BuildClinical will maintain your confidentiality by utilizing BuildClinical's Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts all inputted information, keeps your information private and HIPAA compliant. Our backend servers are stored in the USA at some of the most secure data centers in the world.

If you would prefer to provide your information directly to the study team, please email us at (