Recovering from Opioid Addiction? Join our Study!
Researchers at Rutgers University are conducting a paid research study aimed at learning more about emotional function and brain activity in patients during addiction recovery.
Conducted in Newark, NJ
Compensation Provided
18 - 54 Years Old
Fast Facts
Recovering from Opioid Addiction
Study Background
Researchers at Rutgers University, Newark, are partnering with individuals recovering from opioid and/or heroin addiction. Join our compensated study today!

This research study aims to better understand how the brain responds to emotional events and what role these responses play in addiction recovery.

Participation in this study is not a replacement for your treatment. While there will be no direct benefits of taking part in the study, the knowledge we obtain from your participation may help us to better understand emotional responses and underlying brain mechanisms. This knowledge may lead to improved therapies in the treatment of addiction.

Protocol Title: Negative Affect Mechanisms in Opioid Use, Protocol Version Date: v2.7 11.04.2022
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