In Treatment for Crack/Cocaine Use? Join our Study
Mount Sinai is conducting a research study examining how drug addiction may change behavior and brain activity in men and women.
IRB#: 13-00187
New York, NY
Women & Men
Use Crack or Cocaine
18-64 Years Old
Fast Facts

About Our Research Study
Drug use rates have increased in the last decade among men and women, comprising a major public health concern in the US.
Researchers at Mount Sinai are looking for individuals ages 18-64 to participate in a research study aimed at learning more about addiction in men and women. Findings will help researchers learn more about how to treat crack and cocaine addiction.

The overall purpose of our research study is to find out how behavior and brain activity may be changed by drug addiction. We seek to understand if your genetic makeup may play a part in your behaviors.

Your participation in this research study may help researchers improve treatment approaches for crack and cocaine addiction. Further research today and join our compensated study!
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