Neurofeedback for
Tourette Syndrome
Research Study
Researchers at Yale University School of Medicine are conducting a research study to evaluate the effects of a non-invasive neurofeedback intervention for improving chronic tics. Join our study today!
Conducted in New Haven, CT
Compensation Provided
Experiencing Chronic tics or tourette syndrome
10-16 Years Old
Fast Facts
About Our Research Study
Evidence-based treatments such as therapy and medications are available for individuals with Tourette Syndrome or Chronic Tic Disorder, however, they aren't effective for everyone.
The purpose of this study is to explore whether a non-invasive type of brain training called neurofeedback can help reduce tic symptoms. During the study, we will use a form of feedback that involves monitoring brain activity through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) while teaching participants methods that may help reduce tics.

Join our study today to help researchers learn more about the effects of neurofeedback for tic disorders! Compensation provided.
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