Do You Ever Feel Like You Can't Control Your Eating?
Join our paid study on eating behaviors and help University of Connecticut researchers learn more about the social factors that contribute to overeating in African American teenagers.
Have Overeating or Loss of Control Eating Habits
Black or African American Teens 14-17 Years Old
Conducted Remotely
Have Higher Body Weight (BMI in 85th Percentile or Above)
Fast Facts
About Our Research Study
Help University of Connecticut researchers learn more about eating behaviors in Black teens.
African American teenagers have some of the highest obesity rates among all races. One contributing factor to this issue is loss of control over eating, or eating past the point of fullness, which occurs in nearly half of Black teens who are overweight or obese.

This study seeks to understand how, when, and why Black teens engage in loss of control eating behaviors. To do so, we will conduct focus groups with Black teens to hear the words they use to describe their eating, the contexts in which this problematic eating occurs, and whether they think this eating is problematic in the first place.

Your participation in this study could lead to better approaches to improving teen eating habits in the future. Enroll in our compensated study today!
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